Guava cultivation and market price in Bangladesh


Guava is a delicious and sweet fruit. The lower class called it the poor man's apple. It is estimated that guava trees are found in the homes of 40 or more people out of every 100 people in Bangladesh. However, many youths and farmers are turning to guava cultivation, seeing the future of guavas, and are getting profitable. Guava production has increased in Bangladesh over time. Considering the needs of the people of the country, nutrition, and economy, there is a touch of support from the government.

According to a report by Mohammad Al-Masoom Molla published in The Daily Star Bangla news media (Sunday, June 29, 2023, 12:20 AM) Bangladesh ranks eighth in the world in guava production. According to the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), annual guava production was 46,765 tonnes in the fiscal year 2000-01, which increased to 2.44 lakh tonnes in the fiscal year 2021-22.

We have been involved in agriculture for ages. But our territory is not as wide as developed countries. We cannot produce agricultural products like them but technology has opened the way for us. Today we are growing many types of vegetables using the viticulture system in small land.

30 percent of guava is produced in Chittagong and Pirojpur. According to Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) data, in the fiscal year 2020-21, the production of guava on about 67 thousand 345 acres of land in the country was two lakh 43 thousand 957 tons. About 30 percent of the guavas in the country are produced in these two districts. Out of this 17 percent in Chittagong and 13 percent in Pirojpur. Apart from this, about 4 percent of guavas have been produced in Barisal and 3 percent in Jessore.

About 47 percent of Guava is produced in Barisal and Chittagong Division alone. The country's largest market and tourist spots have been created around guava in some districts. These include Floating Markets in Pirojpur and Jhalkathi and Organic Markets in Chittagong. Experts say that despite the development of the agro-processing industry in the country over the last few decades, guava has always been neglected in this industry.


However, let's know the rules of guava cultivation.

According to, there are many popular guava varieties in Bangladesh. Among the varieties, the varieties developed by research institutes and local popular varieties are given below:

A) Varieties developed by Bari: Kazi Guava, Bari Guava-2, Bari Guava-3

b) Invented by Bau: Bau Guava-1 (Sweet), Bau Guava-2 (Ranga), Bau Guava-3 (Chowdhury) and Bau Guava-4 (Apple)

c) Bangabandhu Krishi Viswa: Invented by: Ipsa Guava-1, Ipsa Guava-2

d) Local popular varieties: Kanchan Nagar (Chittagram variety), Mukundapuri (B-Baria variety), and Swarupkathi (Pirojpur, Swarupkathi, Jhalkathi).

e) Other varieties: Thai guava, poly guava, grape guava, etc.

Flood-free high and medium-high land should be selected for guava cultivation. The land has to be prepared by plowing and harrowing several times.

Guava seedlings or cuttings are planted at a distance of 4-5m x 4-5m. 60 x 60 x 60 cm: the size of the mat should be made. 10-15 kg of rotted dung, 250 g of TSP, and 250 g of MP fertilizer should be mixed in each hole and after 15-20 days a healthy and vigorous seedling or cutting should be planted in the middle of the hole. Immediately after planting, water should be applied to the base of the seedling and a stake should be buried to tie the seedling to it so that the seedling does not fall or be uprooted by the wind.

Suitable environment: Generally warm and subtropical climates are suitable for guava production. Guava grows best in organic-rich loam to heavy alluvial soils with excellent drainage.

Propagation by seed is very easy. However, guavas with maternal quality may not be available on seed plants. So it is better to propagate by cuttings rather than by seeds. Propagation is mainly through cuttings. These days it is seen that the seedlings produced in small pots are dying due to wilt disease. Therefore, this method is propagated by grafting or split grafting on rootstocks of wilt-resistant varieties such as poly guava rootstock instead of small grafts. May – July is the best time for grafting.

Care and Fertilizer Management: Although the guava tree can tolerate drought quite well, to get the expected yield, the tree should be irrigated every 15 days during the dry season. Moreover, each time the tree should be fertilized and irrigated to supply the necessary sap to the root of the tree. Apart from this, water drainage during the monsoon season and regular irrigation during the dry season should be provided.

Fertilizer Management:

a) Mix 10-15 kg of rotted dung, 250 g of TSP, and 250 g of MP fertilizer in each hole, and after 15-20 days a healthy and vigorous seedling/ cutting should be planted in the middle of the hole.

b) 50 grams of potash and TSP fertilizers and 20 grams of urea fertilizers should be applied per plant before and after monsoon in the year of planting.

Fertilizer application: Fertilizer should be applied to the tree every year in February, May, and September. Fertilizer 25-50 cm depending on the age of the tree, except for the area where the tree provides shade in the afternoon.


Nutritional value of guava

According to experts, one guava contains the same amount of nutrients, especially vitamin C, as 4 oranges. One guava has the nutritional value of four apples and four oranges. It contains a lot of water, fiber, vitamins A, B, K, potassium, calcium, protein, and minerals. Guava is a good source of vitamin C. It contains 211 mg of vitamin C. Vitamin C keeps the mouth, teeth, and gums healthy. Vitamin A is not usually available directly from fruits. It is first in the form of carotene, later converted to vitamin A. Carotene ensures normal growth of the body. It helps maintain the health of the retina and eye cells. There are 0.21 mg of vitamin B1 and 0.09 mg of B2 per 100 grams of guava. Evvery 100 grams of guava contains 76 kilocalories of food energy, 1.4 grams of protein, 1.1 grams of fat, and 15.2 grams of carbohydrates. Guava is rich in various minerals. Every 100 grams of guava contains 0.6 grams of minerals, 0.03 mg of thiamine, 0.03 riboflavin, 1.4 mg of iron, 28 mg of phosphorus, and 20 mg of calcium.

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